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The New Human Event

The New Human Event

This past weekend my husband and I journeyed to the Okanagan in B.C. for an event. This event hosted by Dr. Kevin Preston was entitled “The New Human: Regeneration.” We spent three days at the Splatsin Community Centre which was a stunning architectural round building created for the community to hold ceremony and various events.

The keynote speakers were Dr. Zach Bush and Charles Eisenstein and they were joined by Dr. Kevin Preston and a number of other powerful and creative souls.

This event was designed to bring people together who feel called to be an active part of the shift on our planet. To witness and release our own old belief systems and habits and break open our hearts to lead in a creative new way. One that supports life and our home instead of dividing and destroying it. It’s a tall order and individually it can feel daunting or impossible even. Somehow when we bring 500 other like
minded souls together, a spark of possibility arises. It definitely did for me. Will this be easy or guaranteed…not at all. Will it be a more inspiring, hopeful, creative life filled with potential and magic…that’s my bet.

So how do we embark on this journey and move forward? These are some of the magic insights that are in my conscious awareness today. I certainly expect more integration in the coming weeks that may
provide even more insights.

1/ As emotional beings, we are meant to feel all of our emotions and not push down the uncomfortable ones. Instead, lean in and allow them to move all the way through us. This takes observation and courage; maybe even support. As a reiki master seeing clients, this is a big focus on the table. To support others in moving stuck and hidden emotions in a safe way. Our bodies and minds can then respond to the world with more access to our whole self.

2/ Align with nature. We are not separate from nature, nature informs us in so many ways from grounding our nervous system, to balancing our microbiome, expanding our vision with its full spectrum of colour,
it’s a dance for our senses. I have made a commitment to myself this year and start each day taking my dog outside, ensuring I am in my bare feet. We walk the property and I will stop to do a breathwork practice, a few stretches and then come back into the house. It has been a game-changer in how my day starts and how I feel. With the overnight temps dropping to 4 last night, my feet felt a bit frosty this morning! Lets see how long I can continue into the winter.

3/ Flowing right into this next step is actually the practice of grounding. Whatever that is for you as we have many tools for this. Any practice that brings us to this present moment will inform, inspire and release tension and anxiety. As the outer world shifts continue to unfold in the coming months, this becomes a sacred practice to hold our vibration in possibility and light.

4/ Zach and Charles led a full session on releasing judgement suggesting that we can not create a new world while holding judgement for our current one. It sounds obvious however this can show up in many subtle ways too. Judging ourselves is a huge one. If we can look at each person and know that they are first human before the world influences them in all the ways it does, and we can release the judgement of what we think they stand for, we have more energy to move forward in unity.

5/ The next topic of a session was on the power of an authentic apology. No matter who we are, there have been times in our life that we have been part of a decision or action that may have negatively impacted another. Zach shared such an incredible experience he had in Africa and the power of taking the opportunity to apologize to a community of people who have been devastated by actions of others. Something unexpected and totally magical was the result.

6/ The final topic I want to share is that of sacred relationships. This applies first to the relationship to self and then to others. It’s about tapping in to what we are truly feeling and wanting, to express ourselves authentically even though society and many times our upbringing has not encouraged this. It requires curiosity, compassion, patience and practice. We often don’t allow ourselves to tap in deep enough to our true motivations and even if we do, the fear of expressing these can feel unsafe. Practice first with self and then with close others that you feel safe with. We experienced Courtney Wren and Michael Elliott demonstrate and lead us in an experience of this. They have a podcast called Together where they share more about being in conscious relationships.

Sunday afternoon finished with a couple of integration practices led by more talented souls. Zoey Hana Wren taught us a song she composed and our 500 plus voices moved this energy we had been percolating and brought it to life. We completed with the largest sound bath I had ever experienced as Mike Reid brought the sounds of gongs, harmonium, crystal bowls and various instruments into a culmination of sound frequencies that relaxed our nervous systems and left us ready to take our next steps.

As I sit finishing this reflection on Thanksgiving Monday, I am truly grateful that my husband trusted me enough to say yes in joining me; to Dr. Kevin Preston for his dream and for attracting the team to bring
it to life.

I am also grateful to Dr. Laura Foster, Soul Inspired Gurl for introducing me to Kevin through her wonderful podcast. I am committed at another level to my conscious led life. Wishing each of you a Happy Thanksgiving, keep gratitude and curiosity alive as we move forward together on this journey. Till next time.

Meet Karen

Reiki Master, Biophoton Light Therapist and Enneagram coach, Karen Armstrong has a valuable set of resources to support people on their journey to better understanding themselves and the messages of the mind, body and soul.