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Ways to Work Together


Enneagram Coaching (In-Person)

The Enneagram personality system provides a brilliant platform to bring insights into what could be working better in your relationships. Both personal and professional, within yourself or with others. If any relationships require a complete reboot or just tweaking to bring more joy, this system can provide the template. Check out my introductory videos to learn more.

Book An In-Person Session:


Enneagram Coaching (Online)

The Enneagram personality system provides a brilliant platform to bring insights into what could be working better in your relationships. Both personal and professional, within yourself or with others. If any relationships require a complete reboot or just tweaking to bring more joy, this system can provide the template. Check out my introductory videos to learn more.

Book An Online Session:


Biophoton Light Therapy Session

Experience has revealed that through the use of biophoton light therapy, we are able to eliminate disturbances in the body which impede the body’s own natural healing process. The focus is to identify the underlying disturbances rather than treating the symptoms.

Biophoton Resonance Therapy is completely safe, painless and non-invasive. You will likely see results almost immediately and generally, within 3-5 sessions, the main cause of your symptoms is identified or disappears.

1:1 In-PErson or Distant

Reiki Treatment

These sessions are geared to support you in your overall well-being. As Reiki works at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms, clients can receive benefits from illness, life stress, emotional issues or as renewed sense of balance and energy.

For Distant Reiki Treatments we begin with a telephone conversation to create awareness of what is going on for you. Then we move into treatment. Many have received beneficial effects of this form of reiki. Approximately 60 minutes.


Regular Client Check-In

This service can provide support and guidance on what is surfacing for you in these shifting times? We all deal with change in a different way, no one size fits all. Having a non-judgemental sounding board can sometimes be all we need to provide clarity and a sense of well-being. Book in 30 minute time slots.