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February Inspiration

February Inspiration - Getting Through Winter - Reiki newmarket, energy Healing with Karen Armstrong

February Inspiration

Here we are in our 7th week of 2019, still in the thick of winter here in Southern Ontario. And I am noticing that many around are having a tough time feeling happy.

Some are fortunate to head on a southern holiday in the sun and take time away with friends or loved ones. Some find a distraction in events like Valentine’s Day or the numerous shows taking place like the GTA Home Show, The Spring Camping & RV Show, The International Auto Show, The Woodworking Show, etc. Some just wonder how they are going to make it until Spring when our days are longer, the weather is warming up and the colours of nature come back to life.

The Search for Purpose & Meaning

My sense is that many are looking for purpose and meaning in their lives. When we can tap into that energy, it fuels us forward. How do we do that?  Of course, it is a different path for each of us.  A path that requires time, curiosity and patience.

Gregg Braden shares an idea in his book, The Divine Matrix, that when thought, feeling and emotion become one then miracles happen. When we can come from our heart, we are not in fear or anxiousness. This is huge because fear is everywhere around us. It takes consistent daily practice to disconnect from the cultural consciousness of fear and listen to the wise still voice within.

My consistent daily practice happens to be reiki.  It did not begin that way but has grown to become my spiritual practice.  It is the way I can tune into myself and the creative energy that unites all entities within our universe. It is the way I can have a touchpoint to my purpose. I remember that my life and all life are sacred.  I remember that I am here to share my love and light in all that I do.  There are many positive support tools available for us to infuse into our daily practice to instill a sense of peace and inner strength.  A couple are listed at the end of this article.

Making the Best of Winter

Winter provides us with time to hunker down in our own cozy place and read, listen and expand our own beingness past where we have been.  We can then bring this new awareness into the spring and into more of our doing activities.

Let’s take this time to seek our own inspiration so that we become the uplifter of our life. That will automatically ripple out to everything around us.

Here are a couple of resources to check out:

  1. Insight Timer App, a free app for your smart device. One of my favourites for meditation is Sarah Blondin.
  2. Mind Valley  another great site to explore for transformational global education programs.

Please feel free to share your inspirational resources here for other readers to see. Remember to spoil yourself with some love this Valentine’s Day.  If we fill our tank, we always have lots to share.

You can connect with me by email or telephone, or click the contact tab at the bottom of the screen if you are reading this post on the website. Don’t forget to join in the conversation on Facebook too!

Until next time,


One Response

  1. What an amazing video you just shared Karen! And what a perfect day to share it!
    There were so many wonderful thoughts shared in the video from “We live in a world of thought, feeling and emotion” to “We become our practice”. I loved when he said that it is not something you do, it is what you become. And lastly, I will always remember that we must embrace and live what we have already learned instead of going from workshop to workshop looking for an answer. Thank-you for sharing!

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Meet Karen

Reiki Master, Biophoton Light Therapist and Enneagram coach, Karen Armstrong has a valuable set of resources to support people on their journey to better understanding themselves and the messages of the mind, body and soul.