NEW: Angelic Celestial Colours Sprays! Click here to see the collection!

The New Human Event

This past weekend my husband and I journeyed to the Okanagan in B.C. for an event. This event hosted …

2024 Intention Words

It’s that time of year again! The shifting from one calendar year into the next. A opportunity to look at …

2022 Intention Words

I’m a bit behind the eight ball in getting my 2022 Intention Words out. They were created on the New …

My 2020 Meditation Vision

I am stretching here to share a personal part of my year’s journey so far. I attended an Archangel Metatron workshop the weekend of January 11/12 as we entered into the Full Moon Lunar eclipse. The emotional energies were very sensitive. We did a powerful meditation on the first afternoon that really stayed with me. […]

The Reiki Triangle – An Energy Balance

A good friend shared an article with me recently that really hit home.  It was all about the Reiki Triangle and how one Reiki master interprets its value. I found it curious because in the 24 years that I have been practicing Reiki, I had not heard this term. What I found was a very […]

Change Your Lens – Change Your Life

inside out healing karen armstrong change your focus york region

Happy fall! It is my favourite time of year. As I reflect on the activities of the past summer, I am reminded of one great morning at church where our minister decided to show a movie entitled, “Celebrate What is Right in the World” by Dewitt Jones. It was so rich in inspiration, both visually […]

What’s My Type – A Look at the Enneagram

Enneagram Personality Systems Seminar Workshop Ontario

The Enneagram personality system is a valuable platform for understanding ourselves and others.  I was introduced to it in 1994. Since then it has provided so much wisdom for me in my business and personal life that it was only natural for me to incorporate it into my practice. Not Putting You in a “Box” […]

Japan – Collaboration & Creativity

Looking through my photos of my trip to Japan allows me to continue to integrate my experience. Today I want to share what is possible when we open up to collaboration from others on a challenge to create something totally unique and special.

The Buddhist Temple of Otagi Nenbutsu-ji
One of the Temples that I visited really touched my heart from this perspective. Otagi Nenbutsu-ji is a Buddhist Temple in the Arashiyama neighbourhood of Kyoto. Originally founded by Empress Shotoku in the middle of the eighth century, it was destroyed once by flooding and once by a civil war. It was moved to its current location in 1922, later suffering typhoon damage in 1950.  It took thirty years to repair the damage but when it was finally restored worshipers celebrated by donating the 1200 rakan sculptures (stone statues representing the disciples of Buddha).

Finding Your Tribe

reiki retreat karen armstrong find your tribe

I just completed a 3 day Reiki Retreat last week and by the end many of my students expressed feeling such comfort because they had “found their tribe”.  This expression describes the feeling of being in a group of like-minded people where it is safe to share our true selves.  We get to dream, explore our inner world, express our needs and feel supported instead of judged.