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Archangel Metatron Energy Sprays

Archangel Metatron Energy Sprays

Happy August and may you be navigating this Lions Gate portal with patience and grace. That’s not the topic of this blog though, you can find lots of great information from the astrology experts.

This message is the exciting announcement of a new product line I have chosen to carry. Amanda Ellis in the UK has been creating incredible Archangel Metatron colour energy sprays since 2012 and I was introduced to them in January of 2020. I have been using them in my own private practice since then and have been thrilled with the quality, the fragrance and the power they have unveiled for me.

My first purchases were Christ Light: Cosmic Love, Mary Magdalene: Divine Feminine, Archangel Michael: Healing & Communication, Archangel Sandalphon: Earth Star Energy and Archangel Metatron:
Attunement & Connection. Depending on how I was feeling during the day or what I was working on, I would spray a few spritzes above my head and let them drift down over me. I could feel the energy
supporting me and absolutely loved the fragrance of the essential oil blends.

I soon began to use them for my reiki trainings to support the energy that was coming up and also for the initiations. They have also been a special gift to bring to some of my colleagues and the feedback has
been just as I have experienced.

Amanda creates these sprays often during new or full moon energy, equinoxes and solstices and adds crystals to match the vibration of the spray she is creating. They are definitely infused with love.

Over the past 4 years, I have added to my collection and a few friends have added to my orders to provide economy of volume and shipping fees. It wasn’t until I wanted to place another order in early July, that I thought about carrying some at my practice. So I reached out to my contact to inquire what sprays seem to be supporting people with the influx of energy shifts taking place now. So many of my clients have been coming in asking why they seem to be spinning or experiencing vertigo, anxiety and a sense of instability. Maybe the sprays could support others as part of their home practice too.

I went through the application process and it felt really timely to take this leap. I placed a large order that has finally arrived and with the support of Hummingbird Media, my website has been updated with
this first shipment to my online shop. I have a good selection however I do not have every spray available just yet. I stocked up on some of the most popular and will be making a list to bring in for the next shipment based on what you want to have.

Amanda’s website has a great description of all the sprays and she regularly talks about the properties and of them on her YouTube channel, so you have a great resource to learn more.

According to her recorded message 2 weeks ago, (which was after I placed my first order), the top 10 selling sprays for 2024 are currently:

10/ White Light: Pure White Light Download tied with White Sage
9/ Master Jesus: Christ Light
8/ King Arthur: The Holy Grail (connected to Merlin: Connection & Mentorship)
7/ Silver: Spiritual Protection
6/ Mary Magdalene: Divine Feminine
5/ Madonna: Sisterhood, Divine Feminine Queen
4/ Kali Ma: Warrior Goddess, Energy, Liberation and Rebirth
3/ Archangel Michael: Communication & Healing
2/ Violet Dragon: Master Clearance & Danger Defence
1/ Wood Dragon: Luck, Success, Growth and Power

Whether you are looking for protection, chakra balancing, action, magic, healing, letting go, support grief, facing truth and being your best self, why not explore how these sprays could support you in your

I’m exited to learn more along with you. Please feel free to share stories as they unfold for our readership.

Enjoy the rest of our summer,
In gratitude – Karen

Meet Karen

Reiki Master, Biophoton Light Therapist and Enneagram coach, Karen Armstrong has a valuable set of resources to support people on their journey to better understanding themselves and the messages of the mind, body and soul.