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2025 Yearly Intention Words

2025 Yearly Intention Words

Happy 2025 to all who may read this post now or in the future. Anyone who knows me will know that I choose to pick intention words for the coming year instead of declaring new year’s resolutions. I find that they inspire me throughout the year as they set the tone for what tends to come. I never can realize this until I am looking back to see how truly accurate the words tend to be. It is a process that allows these words to surface into my awareness and every year that process seems to be different.

Sometimes I will sit with a set of journaling prompts that allow me to reflect on the year past and feel into what is bubbling up in me for the year ahead. Sometimes, they come to me one at a time throughout conversations, reading or as I am out walking or spending time on my yoga mat. I have also created space to intentionally light a candle, bring my tea and pull oracle cards to uncover a theme and from that the words.

This year had a combination of a completely new form and then finished off with a repeated form. A good friend who knows of my practice, sent me an Instagram post that flipped through many words faster than your eye could read and when you pressed your finger down, it landed on a word with along with an interpretation. How fun!! I totally allowed myself to draw 3 words from this offering. They were quite intriguing. I took a screen shot and let them sit in my photos for a couple of weeks. Today as I did my Full Moon intention and card spread, I noticed a pattern that had me relook at those words. I have adopted 2 of them and created a new third one for my year.

First let me quickly reflect on my 2024 words.

Create – I invited a new level of creativity in by starting with a fabulous new vocal coach and even started learning to play piano. I also was gifted an upright piano from my mother in law to support this intention.

Emanate – I wanted to pay attention to how I was showing up and who I was being every day. This was a very potent shift and I feel that it brought much more joy and gratitude into my life.

Say Yes – I introduced a new product line into my business, jumped onboard to go with my husband out west in the fall for a fabulous event with deeply moving speakers and we took a longtime desired trip to Ireland. I also started working with a new holistic practioner to reset my whole system.

Collaborate – I joined a new networking group for health practitioners, took part in a worldwide reiki healing focus for a dear friend and have found a new place to hold some of my reiki activities.

For 2025, the energy feels much more dramatic and forward moving. My words stir up a lot of inner excitement and a bit of anticipation however I will lean into a greater level to trust that all is unfolding exactly as it is meant to. I think I’ll continue with one of last years themes and just Say Yes!

Reimagining – This is giving myself permission to imagine who I could be beyond the boxes I’ve always known. This invites a child like response to my everyday activities and a curiosity to experience myself in a different way. How do I want to spend my time, what experiences am I craving, what new things can I learn to stretch my thinking.

Renewal – This seems to follow nicely after reimagining as the practice might bring to light areas that will call for a renewal. I seem to recall this from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. The principle of renewal he called Sharpen the Saw because dull tools are much less effective than clean and sharp tools. This invites a balancing of the body, mind, heart and spirit. I will continue to listen to my whole being to provide the renewal required at all facets of my being.

Rhythm – Finally, I was drawn to this intention word for two reasons. The first brings the focus of pacing and listening to natural cycles of my body and its connection to nature. Each month and year have a natural flow and pace and it’s important to allow myself to tune into and follow that rhythm. The second is rhythm in the form of beat, music, dance, chanting which is a very important part of my life. I listen to music very regularly; I sing daily for fun or to practice my chorus music and even to chant in a meditative way. I love to drum, play my native flute, and now I am learning piano.

I look forward to experiencing how these intention words come alive in my world this year. As a 9 year in numerology, it will be a transition year. Time for closure, completion time and considering what’s next. I believe these words will guide my presence to flow with more trust and grace.

I would love to hear from any of you on how you step into a new year or what is coming up for you this year. Until next time, follow your magic.

Meet Karen

Reiki Master, Biophoton Light Therapist and Enneagram coach, Karen Armstrong has a valuable set of resources to support people on their journey to better understanding themselves and the messages of the mind, body and soul.