It’s that time of year again! The shifting from one calendar year into the next. A opportunity to look at what the highlights of 2023 brought and listen into what my heart is whispering for the coming year. Each year over the holidays, I do this practice. It always involves journaling, pulling oracle cards and sharing some of these thoughts with my family and close friends.
I received an email from Soul Inspired Gurl, AKA Dr Laura Foster with a new set of journal prompts and though I read them during the end of December, I did not sit down to journal them until January 1st. I really enjoy the process of snuggling down and responding to the prompts from a curious and open perspective. I have the integrated knowing from past years how much this process supports me. It gives me another chance to look at the great moments of 2023, the challenging moments, what those challenges brought into my awareness and to honour it all. Then I can step into the feeling of the new year. I was aware that this year is an 8 year in numerology and a personal 4 year for me. That we will move into the Chinese year of the dragon in February.
A summary of the 8 year from is: “8 is the number of power, material and financial gain, achievement, reward, status and satisfaction. The 8 year vibration will provide the means – personal power – with which to change the status quo and accomplish a significant goal that will alter the direction and quality of your journey”
A summary of the Chinese year of the dragon from is: “In Chinese culture, the dragon holds a significant place as an auspicious and extraordinary creature, unparalleled in talent and excellence. It symbolizes power, honour, luck and success. Consequently, 2024 is forecasted to bring about opportunities, changes and challenges. If you’re seeking a shift in your current lives, this year might offer a favourable chance.”
The big picture here in leaning towards this year being one of great potential to shift. I like it! So with that understanding, I leaned into what that could bring for me. This is a personal 4 numerology year for me which is about laying the groundwork for everything in my life. Time to focus on the big picture of my life’s purpose and set the stage to invite that in.
So here are the Intention Words that are sparking my inner flame for 2024.
This must surely be a year to invite a deeper level of creativity into my life. An invitation to watch where I habitually want to spend my time, thoughts and energy and see what new ways I can express myself. I am kicking it off by following through with a lifelong desire to learn how to play the piano. YES!! I have my teacher, my keyboard and my beginner book and here we go! Who knows how it will impact me. I am excited for sure. Thanks Madison Ryley of
This word came through from one of the cards I pulled from my Language of Animals deck. Koala is here to assist me in being a source of peace and positivity in the world. To “turn the tap on from within” which spoke so deeply to me and brought this word, Emanate or Emanation into my list for the year. To pay attention to who I am being in every moment and to really allow that to shine out. Woah – that’s big stuff!!! For me that also is an invitation to relax into life and know that life shows up for me, it does not happen to me. That brings a real level of trust and faith. So it is.
Say Yes
The essence of create and emanate bring this next intention through. It will remind me to lean in when it feels like life is offering an opportunity to align with my bigger purpose. It does not look like I used to be, saying yes to everything and everyone from an ungrounded place. That led to burnout. This Yes will come from a rooted sense of groundedness, tapping into the big picture and then even if it feels scary, to lean in and follow my heart.
I know that being in a community of like-minded people lights me up. It provides so much to fuel my dreams, my enjoyment in life and what is possible when big dreams and changes are held from a collective place. It’s the network that can make the impossible, possible. I love being part of community from my incredible family and friends to my North Metro chorus, Women’s Wellness Circle and international reiki community. I am so grateful for all the richness these relationships have brought to my life.
The energy of this year excites me and calls an expanded version of me to come out and play. I would love to hear from you on what is surfacing around this year for you. Share your thoughts, let’s create some magic. With so much gratitude that you have read this, I send out some sparkle dust to light your path.
Till next time,